
Our Homeschool Rhythm: A Day in the Life

By July 5, 2024 No Comments

Over time, we’ve developed a homeschool rhythm that works well for our family, balancing academics, creativity, and practical skills. Homeschooling offers the unique opportunity to tailor education to our children’s individual needs and interests. Here’s a glimpse into our typical homeschool day.

Morning Routine

Our day starts with morning chores and prep for the day. The kids make their beds, tidy their rooms, eat breakfast and have their independent Bible Study time. Each child has a clipboard with a checklist of all their morning habits on it to cut down on constant reminders. After their habits are complete we come together for worship and Bible study as a family. I created a worship playlist on YouTube with all our favorite songs so we can begin the day on a positive note.

Core Subjects Rotation (2-3 hours)

We dive into our core subjects with focused, timed blocks. This approach keeps the kids engaged and allows us to cover multiple subjects efficiently.

  • Math (30-45 minutes): Each day, we focus on a specific topic, using a mix of hands on resources, workbooks, and board games.
  • Language Arts (30-45 minutes): We rotate between reading comprehension, grammar, writing, and vocabulary. Reading aloud sessions and book discussions are a favorite, fostering a love for literature.
  • Science (30-45 minutes): Science is hands-on and exciting in our homeschool. We conduct experiments, read science texts, and watch related videos, exploring topics like biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science.
  • Social Studies (30-45 minutes): History, geography, civics, and cultures come to life through maps, timelines, documentaries, and great books. I’ll also add board games or other hands-on resources related to the topic.

This blog post is about our homeschool rhythm.

Project-Based Learning (1-2 hours)

Project-based learning is a highlight of our day. The kids choose projects related to core subjects or their personal interests. They work on long-term projects that involve research, creation, and presentation. Whether it’s building a model, creating a science fair project, or writing a short story, this time encourages deep, meaningful learning. I use different resources to help my boys choose subjects to dive deeper into if they get stuck. One day I might set out a few science experiment books, or a stack of Discovery Deck cards, or supplies from one of our mini unit studies to help.

Creative Arts Block (1-2 hours)

The afternoon kicks off with a creative arts block. The kids engage in artistic activities like LEGO engineering, drawing, painting, sculpting, and crafting. They also explore music by playing instruments, singing, or listening to different genres.

Practical Life Skills (30-60 minutes)

Practical life skills are an essential part of our homeschool routine. The kids learn cooking by preparing simple recipes, understanding nutrition, and practicing kitchen safety. We also add in basic home maintenance tasks like sweeping, organizing, and minor repairs. I let the kids pick which skills they want to learn and I will add in what is needed at that time.

homeschool rhythm

Free Play and Social Time (1-2 hours)

Unstructured time for hobbies, free play, or personal projects is crucial for creativity and relaxation. We also participate in virtual classes or coop group activities for social interaction.

Documentary or Educational Videos (30-60 minutes)

Some days we winds down with educational documentaries or videos about the kids’ current interests or studies. We often discuss the content afterward, reinforcing learning and comprehension.